Information about the laboratory of chemistry of terpenoids and phenolic compounds

Head of the laboratory is Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Erkin Khozhayakbarovich Botirov.

The laboratory employs 2 doctors of science (DSc), 1 candidate of science, 4 doctors of philosophy in chemical sciences (PhD), 5 basic doctoral students and 2 laboratory assistants.

The laboratory was organized on the basis of the laboratories of lactone and acid chemistry and coumarin chemistry, and in 2021 it was renamed the laboratory of terpenoid and phenolic compound chemistry.

The laboratory conducts fundamental phytochemical studies of biologically active terpenoids and phenolic compounds of plants of the flora of Uzbekistan, studies the dynamics of their accumulation in plants, chemical modifications of the isolated substances, studies the mechanisms of their pharmacological action and the dependence of biological action on chemical structure. The laboratory's tasks include searching for terpenoids, coumarins, flavonoids in the plants of Uzbekistan, developing methods for their isolation, establishing the chemical structure of new compounds and the relationship of chemical structure with biological activity.

Targeted applied research work is carried out to create new effective drugs and biologically active additives with neuroprotective, adaptogenic, anti-inflammatory action based on natural terpenoids and phenolic compounds for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis.

The laboratory conducts research on terpenoids and phenolic compounds of plants of the families Asteraceae, Apiaceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae, Geraniaceae, Rutaceae, Polygonaceae, Geraniaceae, Orobanchaceae of the flora of Uzbekistan. Among the isolated substances were found mono- and sesqui- and diterpenoids, sesquiterpene esters and lactones, phenolic acids, cycloartanes and their glycosides, flavonoids, diterpenoids, proanthocyanidins and other compounds. As a result of pharmacological studies, among the isolated terpenoids and phenolic compounds, compounds with pronounced estrogenic, adaptogenic, neurotropic, antihypoxic, hypoazotemic, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, angioprotective, hypolipidemic, choleretic and cardiotonic effects were identified. As a result of systematic studies conducted by the laboratory staff over the years of independence, more than 1,300 compounds have been isolated, the structure and configuration of more than 150 new terpenoids, coumarins, flavonoids, lignans, phenolic acids and proanthocyanidins have been established. Terpenoids of 50 species of the genus Ferula were studied, from which more than 250 compounds were isolated. It was shown for the first time that plants of the genus Ferula, in addition to terpenoid coumarins and sesquiterpene lactones, contain a new group of terpenoids characteristic of this genus – esters of terpenoid alcohols with aromatic and aliphatic acids.


Along with fundamental research, work is being carried out to introduce the isolated biologically active compounds into medical and veterinary practice. On the basis of terpenoid esters, the following drugs have been created and introduced into medical practice: tefestrol (a domestic herbal preparation with estrogenic action), ferulen (antitumor action), flateron (hypocholesterolemic action), nephrocisin (hypoazotemic action), flanorin (hepatoprotective action), and oligvon (antiatherosclerotic action). In poultry farming, the preparations panoferol (ponarut-98) and kufestrol are widely used to increase the egg production of hens. The substances of these preparations are produced on the basis of the Institute's pilot production facility.

       Preclinical studies of the drugs Cavergal, Katacin, Termitosidepin, Cuspinolide, Geranil, Helmintabs, and Fetidine have been completed.

      The laboratory staff defended 6 doctoral dissertations and more than 30 dissertations for the degree of candidate of science and doctor of philosophy (PhD), and published 4 monographs. The majority of scientific articles (more than 100) were published in journals included in the Scopus and Web of Science databases.

Preparations developed by laboratory staff in collaboration with pharmacologists and technologists of the institute



  Pharmacological action



Thermopsis alterniflora

Antiatherosclerotic drug with angioprotective and hypolipidemic properties.

DHO "NIKA FARM" Tablets 0.1 mg No. 100


Ferula tenuisecta

The drug exhibits estrogenic properties and is used for various gynecological diseases.

JSC Uzkhimfarm tablets 5 mg No. 10


Ferula tenuisecta

Recommended for the treatment of prostate adenoma and cancer.

DHO "NIKA FARM" Capsules 40 mg No. 30


Ferula tenuisecta

A preparation used in poultry farming to increase egg production of birds

“Neovia group” (France)



Ferula varia

Hypoazotemic action, in disorders associated with increased urea and residual nitrogen in the blood.


Tablets 50 mg No. 30


Ferula kuhistanica

A preparation used in poultry farming to increase egg production of birds

OP IHRV AN RUz Feed additive packaging of 12.5 kg


Pseudosophora alopecuroides

A drug for the treatment of liver and gall bladder diseases. Prescribed for acute toxic and viral hepatitis, to improve liver function

DHO "NIKA FARM" Gipoflan tablets


Artemisia leucodes 

Anti-atherosclerotic agent. Approved for wide medical use.



The laboratory has carried out research work on 6 fundamental, 8 applied and 2 international projects.

  The laboratory has trained in postgraduate studies and defended candidate and doctoral dissertations of foreign citizens: Batsuren Dulamjavyn - Doctor of Chemical Sciences (Mongolian People's Republic), Kim Kwan Hee - Candidate of Chemical Sciences (DPRK), Aibek Malik - Candidate of Chemical Sciences (PRC), Bizhanova Karlygash - Candidate of Chemical Sciences (Kazakhstan), Ovezdurdyev Allaverdi - Candidate of Chemical Sciences (Turkmenistan) and others.

List of laboratory staff:

Botirov Erkin Khozhiakbarovich - head of the laboratory, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, professor,

Agzamova Manzura Adkhamovna - Doctor of Chemical Sciences, leading researcher,

Eshbakova Kamila Alibekovna - candidate of chemical sciences, senior researcher,

Mukhamatkhanova Rimma Failievna - PhD, senior researcher,

Dusmatova Dilnoza Ergashboevna - PhD, senior researcher,

Shamyanov Ildar Dzhamilevich - senior researcher,

Okhundedayev Bokhodir Sotvoldievich - PhD, junior researcher,

Siddikov Doniyor Rakhimovich - PhD, junior researcher.

Scientific staff of the laboratory 

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