In 1956, the laboratory of pharmacology and chemotherapy was organized under the leadership of PhD, Associate Professor Iskhak Kamilovich Kamilov. Later, from 1967 to 1983, scientific work in the laboratory was carried out under the supervision of MD, Professor M.B. Sultanov, and in 1984-1992 - under the supervision of MD N.T. Tulyaganov. With the increase in the volume of work and the need to study the preclinical safety of drugs introduced into practical medicine, a toxicology laboratory was additionally organized under the supervision of MD F.S. Sadritdinov, who headed it from 1981 to 1986. Since 1992, the pharmacology laboratory (headed by Prof. V.N. Syrov, Doctor of Medical Sciences) and the toxicology laboratory have been part of the newly formed Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the Institute under the leadership of Doctor of Medical Sciences F.N. Dzhakhangirov. Since 2012, the general management of the department has been entrusted to Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. V.N. Syrov.

A significant contribution to the formation and development of the laboratory, and subsequently the department, was made by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. S.S. Azizova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. H.W. Aliyev, Doctor of Medical Sciences H.S. Akhmedkhodjaeva, Doctor of Medical Sciences A.A. Vakhabov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. W.B. Zakirov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. A.G. Kurmukov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Prof. Z.A. Khushbaktova, PhD Yu.R. Mirzaev, PhD A.N. Nabiev, PhD Zh.R. Rezhepov, DSc F.M. Tursunkhodzhaeva.

The pharmacological properties of more than 2000 substances 7to various classes of natural compounds, were studied; the molecular mechanisms of action were established for a number of substances; more than 50 substances of practical interest as potential drugs were identified.

New substances with high antiarrhythmic, antiatherosclerotic, cardiotonic, hypotensive, psychotropic, neuroprotective, anabolic, analgesic, antinarcotic, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic and other types of activity were discovered.

Relations between chemical structure and biological activity were found for a number of substances. Structural and chemical properties of substances that provide activity and direction of pharmacological action (pharmacophores, toxophores) have been determined. Principles for constructing new compounds with targeted high biological activity and fundamentally new mechanisms of molecular action have been developed for a number of alkaloids as an example.

The following drugs have been developed, introduced and are currently used in healthcare practice:

1) based on diterpene alkaloids - allapinin, aklesin, axaritmin, antiarrhythmin as broad-spectrum antiarrhythmic drugs;

2) based on alkaloids - deoxypeganin, galantamine - acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, cytisine - against smoking, etc.;

3) based on terpenoid alcohol esters - panoferol, kufestrol, tefestrol and ferulen as estrogen-like agents;

4) based on phytoecdysteroids - ecdysten, ayustan, exumid as tonic, adaptogenic, stress-protective agents;

5) based on biologically active substances of Carica papaya - enzyme preparation kukumazim;

6) based on flavonoids - flateron, cinaroside, flanorin;

7) based on phenolic compounds - cavergal, katatsin;

8) about 120 bioreagents for fundamental and applied research, as well as extracts of some plant species for use in cosmetology have been proposed for sale on the world market.

Research projects of the Department:


1) FA-A10-117 2006-2008. "Development of new highly effective drugs with actoprotective, adaptogenic and stress-protective action based on phytoecdysteroids isolated from local plant materials."

2) FA-A12-E124 2009-2011 "Creation of herbal preparations for use in geriatric practice in ecologically unfavourable conditions"

3) FA-A10-T196 2011-2014 "Creation of five drugs for topical use based on terpenoids, alkaloids and phenolic natural compounds used for pharmacological coordination in metabolic syndrome disorders"

4) FA-A11-T189 2012-2014 "Development of preclinical pharmacological and toxicological tests and technologies of N-methylcytisine and d-b-hydrastine drugs".

5) FA-A11-T031 2015-2017 "Creation of a new effective agent for the treatment of diabetes mellitus based on ecdysterone and its polysynthetic compounds"

6) FA-F-6-008 2017-2020 “Screening and evaluation of promising natural compounds for use in geriatrics”


1) A-10-131 2006-2008. "Creation and introduction into medical practice of 2 export-oriented antiarrhythmic drugs of a new generation - deacetyllappaconitine and neoallapinine"

2) A-10-101 2006-2008. "Development, creation and preparation for widespread introduction into medical practice of a new domestic herbal medicine Ferulen for the treatment of adenoma and prostate cancer"

3) A-10-132 2006-2008. "Development, creation and introduction into medical practice of a new import-substituting, export-oriented drug "SEVAT" for the effective treatment of bone fractures"

4) A-10-127 2006-2008. "Development and creation of a new phytoestrogen drug Kufestrol for poultry farming"

5) A-10-118 2006-2008. "Development of new hypoglycemic agents based on plant materials of Uzbekistan"

6) K-12-017 2009-2011. "Pharmacotoxicological study of biologically active compounds for the production of new domestic import-substituting drugs for neuro- and psychopharmacology"

7) 38-10 2010-2011. "Study of the anti-alcohol effect of plant alkaloids"

8) PZ-20170929757 2018-2020. "Study of pectin polysaccharides from raw materials of domestic plants as a prebiotic agent exhibiting antibacterial activity"

9) PZ-20170929759 2018-2020. "Creation of a drug that stimulates regenerative processes in the body based on polyprenols"

10) FA-A11-T035 2015-2017. “Creation of complex drugs with a wide range of anthelmintic and anti-lambliasis action”

11) FA-A11-T036 2015-2017. “Development of original neuro- and psychotropic drugs based on alkaloids of the plant genera Arundo donax, Haplophylum perforatum, Peganum Harmala and semi-synthetic alkaloids of the phenylisoquinoline series”

Innovative developments

IP I-8-26 2008-2009 "Provision of national teams with ecdysteroid-containing drugs and development of scientific and methodological bases for increasing athletes' performance when using them during preparation for the 2008 Olympic Games."

More than 300 patents and over 1000 scientific articles have been published.

Doctoral dissertations:

1. Sultanov M.B. Pharmacological study of periwinkle alkaloids (1967).

2. Zakirov U.B. Pharmacology of alkaloids of plants of the genus Ungernia and their derivatives (1968).

3. Azizova S.S. Action of cardiac glycosides of the strophanthidine series in experimental coronary circulation disorder (1968).

4. Kurmukov A.G. Pharmacological study of some indole alkaloids (1970).

5. Kamilov I.K. Pharmacological study of alkaloids and their derivatives of plants of the genera hollyleaf, ungernia and cardiac glycosides isolated from jute long-fruited, adonis and kendyr hemp (1971).

6. Fakhrutdinov S. Pharmacological study of aporphine, narcotine and quinoline alkaloids and their derivatives (1972).

7. Sadritdinov F.S. Pharmacological study of alkaloids of plants of the genera Thalictrum and Gentiana (1972).

8. Aliev H.U. Antiarrhythmic activity of alkaloids of fumitory vaillanti, ungernia and their derivatives (1973).

9. Vakhabov A.A. Pharmacology of alkaloids of plants nitraria shoberia, periwinkle straight, physochlain alaica and their derivatives (1982).

10. Akhmedkhodjaeva H.S. Pharmacological study of estrogenic activity of substances isolated from the flora of Central Asia (1988.

11. Syrov V.N. Pharmacological study of phytoecdysteroids of plants of the genera Rhaponticum, Silene and Ajuga (1997).

12. Khushbaktova Z.A. Pharmacological study of new cardenolides, cycloartane glycosides, their transformation products and polyphenolic compounds (1997).

13. Dzhakhangirov F.N. Pharmacology of diterpene alkaloids (2010).

14. Tursunkhodzhaeva F.M. Neuroprotective, antinociceptive and antispasmodic activity of diterpenoid alkaloids of plants of the genera Aconitum and Delphinium (2019).

15. Islamova Zh.I. Pharmacological assessment of antiparasitic and prebiotic activity of plant substances of terpenoid, polyphenolic and carbohydrate nature (2020).

Currently, the head of the department is Doctor of Biological Sciences Tursunkhodzhaeva Firuza Muratovna.

Nowadays the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology conducts research on the general pharmacological activity, mechanisms and toxicology of natural and synthetic biologically active substances. Currently, fundamental and applied research is being conducted to create drugs and biologically active additives with hypolipidemic and anti-atherosclerotic, antioxidant, antihypoxant, antidiabetic, antiarrhythmic, antidepressant, adaptogenic, anti-alcohol, estrogenic, anticoagulant, anti-ischemic and antiepileptic effects. Research is also being conducted to study the biological activity of liposomal forms of drugs developed at the Institute (ecdysten, exumid, flateron). Currently, the department employers are Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher Syrov V.N., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Leading Researcher Tursunkhodzhaeva F.M., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher Islamova Zh.I., Ph.D., senior researcher Yu.R. Mirzaev, Ph.D., senior researcher Yusupova S.M., Ph.D., senior researcher Zakhidova L.T., PhD, senior researcher Sanoev Z.I., PhD, senior researcher Narbutaeva D.A., PhD, senior researcher Egamova F.R., PhD, senior researcher Azamatov A.A., PhD Tukhtasheva V.F., 5 basic doctoral students, 3 junior researchers and 1 laboratory assistant.

Strategy of the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology for 2025-2030.

1. Creation of a modern pharmacotoxicological laboratory under GLP requirements.

2. Study of toxicological properties of pesticides and herbicides used in the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as food products containing residual pesticides.

3. Research and development of drugs for the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases (diabetes, coronary and vascular diseases, nervous system diseases, etc.).

Scientific staff of the department

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